Duke Center for Brain & Spine Metastasis Colloquium 2023

Please join us for the 3rd annual Duke Brain and Spine Metastasis Colloquium, in person for the first time! The Colloquium will be held over 1.5 days, in the afternoon of Friday, May 19th (following our 1st annual Research Retreat) and Saturday, May 20th.
Please register for the Colloquium through the following link:https://events.duke.edu/dukemets2023 by Friday, May 12th.
There will be a poster session in the evening of Friday, May 19th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm during a Happy Hour. To submit an abstract for consideration, please use this link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/391c6cde490d42239959a00ec1f8ea26 by Friday, March 31st, 2023.
Additional details, including the program, will be provided at a later date. Meals will be provided.
Contact: Brooke Taylor