Career Opportunities in Academic Healthcare

In this presentation, we will introduce data science, AI, and biostatistics career opportunities in academic health care. The Duke BERD (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design) Methods Core is a team of staff and faculty with expertise in data science, biostatistics, informatics, and other quantitative areas who collaborate with biomedical researchers to solve important health-related problems across all areas of medicine. Quantitative scientists in the BERD Core design studies, implement and design methods and clinical trials, develop real-time prediction models, and ensure that results are interpreted appropriately to improve health care. These scientists have exciting careers that enable them to provide high-quality analytics, facilitate reproducible research workflows, and disseminate impactful results in interdisciplinary collaborative environments. One collaboration we will highlight is with the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR). We have paid internships to solve problems in the area of in HIV/AIDS research available for Summer 2024!