Virtual Playtest: Encounter

Please join ENTANGLEMENT: STRANGE LIFE for "Virtual Playtest: Encounter," a transmedia, improvisational, and live interactive strange performance with Patrick Jagoda (William Rainey Harper Professor of English, Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Program Director of Media Arts and Design) and Heidi Coleman (Associate Senior Instructional Professor of the Committee for Theater and Performance Studies), both from the University of Chicago.
Developed by The Fourcast Lab at the University of Chicago, this platform enables a live networked audience to interact, via chat, with a live actor to co-create a series of narrative performances. To construct this experience, we draw from art forms, including creative writing, theater, filmmaking, and game design. As humanistic research, this work is an intervention into fields that include performance studies, media studies, narrative theory, and game studies. Our iterative process includes design, development, playtesting, and data collection. Strange lives will be cocreated.
View game summary and trailer here.
STRANGE LIFE is part of The Entanglement Project, a multi-stranded initiative at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute focused on race, health, and climate convened by Priscilla Wald (R. Florence Brinkley Distinguished Professor of English).