SEAREG Winter Conference
The Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) highlights the best new research by young social scientists working on Southeast Asian politics and fosters a network of scholars in political science and allied disciplines who are working at the forefront of Southeast Asian studies. During its Winter Conference, co-hosted by Duke and Wake Forest University, SEAREG Fellows will present unpublished working papers, promoting dialogue on salient issues affecting the region. Additionally, mid-career and advanced scholars will present papers in Thematic Sessions. Dan Slater, James Orin Murfin Professor of Political Science and director of the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies at the University of Michigan, will deliver the State of the Field keynote address. Prasenjit Duara, the Oscar L. Tang Family Distinguished Professor of East Asian Studies and director of the Asian/Pacific Studies Institute at Duke University, will present the State of the Region keynote address.