Navigating Your Way Forward as Midcareer Faculty: A two-part workshop sequence for tenured associate professors

There is no "how-to" guide for flourishing at midcareer, because everyone's trajectory is different. How will you juggle myriad service and leadership roles post-tenure, what's next for your research and teaching, and how will you honor commitments and values outside of work? If these questions resonate with you, we invite you to join a small community of peers for two Friday mornings in February to think, reflect, and plan. We'll consider what your strengths, values and aspirations are, and what it might look like for you to move forward in this stage of your life and career. Maria Wisdom, Director of Faculty Mentoring and Coaching Programs, will lead the program. Registration indicates your commitment to attend both Friday morning sessions (six hours total, plus up to half an hour of pre-session activity).
Workshop 1 (2/9): How Did You Get Here? And Who are You Now?
Before moving forward, it's necessary to take stock of where you are, and what you may need to leave behind. Faculty will have the opportunity to complete a career retrospective exercise, and engage in conversation about what they've accomplished, and what they've learned. They will also complete a values inventory, to consider what's most important to them now (as opposed to what felt most important to them as a new PhD or junior faculty member). What's changed for you, and what do you need to do to adapt to that change?
Workshop 2: (2/23) Moving Forward
Participants will engage in a visioning exercise, to clarify a way forward in alignment with what their values are. The remainder of the session will focus on setting (or reaffirming) goals for the midcareer stage, and identifying smaller, concrete actions needed to accomplish those goals. In small breakout groups, participants will share their goals with each other, engage in brainstorming to prepare for challenges, and exchange ideas and resources in support of each other's goals.