David Marriott, "The Crisis of Truth I and II"

Please join the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute for a public lecture by David Marriott. This presentation is part II. Lunch will be served.
"In these two linked presentations I consider the various meanings of crisis: as truth, judgement, and law. I put forward two propositions--on truth and lie; and on social death--in my exploration of what gets excluded from the term, krisis. In a reading of object relations theory, I will also ask why blackness, in respective works by Frantz Fanon and Jared Sexton, say, is deemed to be neither an object nor a relation, but a n'est pas."
David Marriott teaches Philosophy at Emory University. He previously taught at the Uniiversity of California and of London and is the author of several works, including Whither Fanon? (Stanford UP, 2018), On Black Men (Columbia, 2000), and Of Effacement (forthcoming, 2023).
RSVP at https://duke.is/v/xamk