Digital Media: Photoshop 101
This workshop familiarizes participants with a range of Photoshop tools and introduces its extensive opportunities for digital creation. Utilizing this software program, you will learn about adjustment layers, cropping, resizing and image editing and manipulation. Follow along in this interactive setting that allows you to ask live questions to an experienced instructor.
Note: Photoshop should be installed prior to this workshop. Duke students can download the software for free under the Adobe Creative Cloud link here:
Faculty and staff can download a free trail of the software here:!3085!3!449365418374!e!!g!!how%20much%20is%20adobe%20creative%20cloud&gclid=CjwKCAjw4MP5BRBtEiwASfwAL4Ya6S3HWK_Q62jo8dS3W8vjG8NWzVa9QIR_Ey4RjGlLpqzK8Y8AhxoCFtIQAvD_BwE