P&N Colloquium

We will have a hybrid colloquium at 3 pm on January 28th, by David Yokum of Brown University. It will be held in Reuben Cooke 126 and the zoom information is listed below.
The title of his talk will be "What are the uses-and limits-of using behavioral science to increase vaccination rates?" Below is an abstract:
"The world is embarking on an unprecedented effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Why do people get vaccinated; why do people not get vaccinated; and in what ways can behavioral science help people navigate their vaccination decisions? I'll discuss a suite of results from recent field and experimental work in Rhode Island as well as nationally with the federal government. This portfolio includes over 10 randomized field experiments (with a median sample size of 55,000) evaluating a wide range of interventions. Along the way I'll share stories about what it took to implement the work, which in turn provides lessons for how governments can (and should) embed experimentation as a part of day-to-day operations."
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Meeting ID: 961 9609 2667
Passcode: 277146