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School Days

Duke-Durham School Days
Friday, October 20, 2023
8:45 am - 12:45 pm

The Duke Office of Durham & Community Affairs is seeking student and staff volunteers for the 23rd annual School Days event. School Days is a program designed to help motivate teenagers in Durham Public Schools to aim for college. The program targets middle school students who come from families with no prior college experience. The students spend a full school day at Duke in groups of 10, visiting labs, meeting faculty, and touring the campus (including the residence halls) while accompanied by Duke staff and students, and Durham school counselors. You are their person on the "inside," and your energy and stories about Duke make the 23rd year of School Days a success.

During School Days, about 300 middle school students from Durham Public Schools tour campus with Duke student and staff guides, who show them the sights and share their own perspectives on how and why to aim for college. Participants get a chance to meet with professors and learn about their research, visit libraries and dorms, eat in the dining hall, and hear from Duke student-athletes and Admissions representatives.

Visit the website to sign up: