"Strawhart: Developing an Independent Platformer Game"

The AAHVS Visiting Artist Series presents a talk by Satchel Quinn titled "Strawhart: Developing an Independent Platformer Game" on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:00pm in Perkins Link Classroom 6 (072).
Game programmer and technical artist Satchel Quinn has spent over seven years creating various works in Unreal Engine. Although he has contributed to both serious games and the Unreal development pipeline, his passion is in creating games for entertainment. Recently, Satchel played an integral role in the development and publication of Cypher Creations' Strawhart, an irresponsible physics-based puzzle-platformer. In this talk Satchel will present highlights of the game development pipeline utilized for Strawhart.
Sponsored by AAHVS Visiting Artist Series.
Free and open to the public.