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Counter-cartographies of the Amazon Symposium

Mostly yellow and green flyer announcing Counter-cartographies of the Amazon Symposium
Monday, January 29, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Recognizing the historical role of cartography and territorial mapmaking in colonial projects, this symposium explores the ways in which visual artists, lawyers, journalists, scholars, and traditional communities offer alternative perspectives on space, place, and territory, as well as practices of counter-mapping that intervene in and invert power relationships in the Amazon.

Multi Day Event

January 29
2 pm - 3:15 pm
Law and Indigenous Territories (Zoom]
Ivo Macuxi (lawyer, legal advisor of the Roraima Indigenous Council - CIR, Brazil;
Mauricio Terena (lawyer, legal advisor of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil - APIB)

4 pm - 6 pm
Indigeneity and the Decolonzing Gaze: Media Arts and Indigenous
Activism in Brazil [in person]
Keynote by Robert Stam (New York
University, USA)

6-9 pm
Reception [in person]
Live music performance Noites
Carolinas (Brazilian Choro music)

January 30

10 am - 11:15 am
Filmmaking Collectives and Afrodiasporic Identities in Urban
Amazonia [Zoom]
Caio de Jesus (Na Cuia Produtora, Brazil) Mayara Coelho (Negritar Filmes, Brazil)
Rodrigo Antonio (Secretaria do
Audiovisual, Brazil)

11:45 am - 1 pm
Mapping Extractivism in the Amazon
Ana Magalhaes
(Sumauma Jornalismo, Brazil);
Bram Ebus (InfoAmazonia, Colombia)
Moderator: Marina Bedran
(Johns Hopkins University, USA)

3 pm - 4:30 pm
Climates of Deceit: Environmental Rhetoric and Racialization in the Brazilian Amazon [in person]
Keynote by Jamille Pinheiro Dias (University of London, UK)

5:00 pm
Film screening Stepping Softly on the Earth (2022) followed by Q&A with director Marcos Colón [In person]
Location: FHI garage

January 31

11:30 am - 1 pm
New Social Cartography and Specific Territorialities at Volta
Grande do Xingu (Xingu River's Big
Bend) [Zoom] Participants:
Ana Laide Soares Barbosa (Movimento Xingu Vivo para
Sempre, Brazil)
Rosa Elizabeth Acevedo Marin
Elielson Pereira da Silva

1:45 PM - 3 pm
Breaths Together for a Change
(BTC): Creating a World of Feeling
and Seeing No Strangers
[in person]
Presentation by Aminah Ghaffar
(7 Directions of Service,USA)

Contact: Gustavo Furtado