Midday Meander

Join Kavanah Anderson, director of learning and community engagement at Duke Gardens, for a conversational stroll in the garden that deepens your relationship with plants. Swap plant stories, dig into horticultural history, question what you know and practice multisensory observation on a playful amble through the Gardens that delights and disrupts your understanding of what a garden can be. Expect to learn from each other, share what you know and leave with more questions than you started with. Meet on the stone patio behind the Doris Duke Center.
This will be a small group program that takes place outdoors and traveling on a combination of paved and unpaved paths with some uneven surfaces and moderate inclines.
Fee: Free; registration required at https://rsvp.duke.edu/vrbobR . Parking fees apply ($2/hr.). gardens.duke.edu. Information: 919-668-1707, gardenseducation@duke.edu