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Screen/Society -- "Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d’un révolté" (Mathieu Glissant and Audrey Marion, 2021)

"Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d'un révolté"
(Mathieu Glissant and Audrey Marion, 2021, 53 min, France, French with English subtitles, Digital)

Presented by the Franklin Humanities Institute's Entanglement: Ecologies of Knowledges Lab.

A documentary on Frantz Fanon, whose life and work embodies all the issues of French colonial history. A Martinican resistance fighter, he enlisted, like millions of colonial soldiers, in the Free Army out of loyalty to France and the idea of freedom that it embodied for him. As a writer, he participated in the bubbling life of Saint-Germain with Césaire, Senghor and Sartre, debating tirelessly on the destiny of colonized peoples. As a doctor, he revolutionized the practice of psychiatry, seeking in the relations of domination of colonial societies the foundations of the pathologies of his patients in Blida. And as an activist, he brought together through his action and his history, the anger of peoples crushed by centuries of colonial oppression. He has left an incomparable body of work which has made him one of the most studied French authors across the Atlantic.

*Discussion after the film with director Mathieu Glissant, in conversation with Entanglement: Ecologies of Knowledges convener Felwine Sarr (Anne-Marie Bryan Distinguished Professor of French and Francophone Studies) and Fanon scholar Chloé Kaczmarek (PhD Candidate in Romance Studies)

Mathieu Glissant is a filmmaker and artistic director for Cercle. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in film aesthetics and a dual degree in philosophy and art history from Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (FR). He devoted a documentary to his father, 'Edouard Glissant, La créolisation du monde', made for France 5 with Yves Billy. In 2021, he directed the documentary 'Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d'un révolté', with Audrey Maurion; the film traces the history of the psychiatrist and revolutionary thinker of decolonization, as well as the impact of his literary works. His first short fiction film, 'Brûlé Neige' (2021), with actors Alex Descas and Sohée Monthieux, is shot in Martinique. His second short film, 'Nice Human', with actor Bilel Chegrani, is shot in Aubervilliers, a town he has called home for several years. Mathieu Glissant is currently completing his latest documentary, 'Vichy Colonies', for France Télévision.

Contact: Hank Okazaki