Sara Alghesheyan: Between Memories and Dreams

Ruby Gallery
Rubenstein Arts Center 235
On View: March 22 - April 14
Artist Talk: April 10, 6:00pm
Between Memories and Dreams is an ongoing exploration that intricately delves into the space where identity is lost and reclaimed. The exhibition unfolds through storytelling forms, including childhood folk songs, muted conversations, and dream-like sequences. Alghesheyan explores childhood memories through a generational lens, contemplating memory, dreams, and identity, and their evolving intersections. The intersections uncover a shared belief in the transformative potential of montage, an art that not only narrates stories but shapes and reshapes the fabric of culture, identity, and space.
While pursuing her BA in Media and Film at USF in San Francisco, Sara's exposure to experimental film and film archives ignited a transformative phase in her art. Her works explore themes of voice, memory, narrative, drawing inspiration from personal stories. Currently exhibiting her thesis show at the MFA in experimental and documentary arts at Duke University. Past exhibitions include Fonāna in Amsterdam, I CAN SEE LAND in Jeddah, and the Binghamton Experimental Film Festival, Durational Portrait in Jeddah, and Young Saudi Artists in Jeddah.