Burn Down the Hot Topic: An Unfocused Discussion of Interesting Subproblems in Supernova Cosmology

Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are powerful probes of the Hubble constant and the 70% of the Universe comprised of dark energy. In light of new surveys, which will discover tens to hundreds of thousands of SNe Ia in the upcoming decade, I will discuss a handful of new opportunities I've been working on with my collaborators to take advantage of these data. This includes real-time characterization of transient host galaxies, new extensions to the SALT3 model for measuring SN Ia distances and uncovering SN Ia physics, a possible correlation of Hubble residuals with early-time bumps in SN Ia light curves, and the latest progress in understanding SN Ia distances in the infrared. I will also present recent work on the Young Supernova Experiment (YSE), an optical time-domain survey on the Pan-STARRS telescopes, and the tools that we've been building as part of YSE to enhance supernova discovery and follow-up data in the coming decade.