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Duke Centennial Ecology Symposium (Two-Day Event)

Duke Centennial Ecology Symposium
Friday, April 19, 2024
All Day
M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International

Join us as we look back at 100 years of ecology history, thought and scholarship at Duke University! This two-day event will feature a talk on the history of ecology at Duke; faculty, students, and alumni sharing their recent research and work in ecology; a panel discussion on the future of ecology, and a keynote by M. Sanjayan, chief executive officer of Conservation International.

Complimentary parking available. Instructions to be emailed after registration.

Event Agenda


2-3 pm: History of Duke Ecology

3-4 pm: Hear from Alumni in Ecology Who Graduated from Duke

4-4:30 pm: Break (snacks and drinks provided)

4:30-5:30 pm: Hear from Current PhD Students

5:30-7:30 pm: Duke Ecology@100 Social (heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks)


9-10 am: Breakfast and Coffee Social

10-11:30 am: Keynote by M Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International

11:30 am - 1 pm: Strolling Lunch and Student Poster Session (food and drinks provided)

1-2 pm: Faculty Speakers from Duke

2-2:45 pm: Faculty and Alumni Panel Discussion on the Future of Duke Ecology

2:45 pm: Closing Remarks