Earth Day Event: Bennett Place State Historic Site
11:00am: Information tables open
1:00pm: Nature Walk
This event is free and open to all.
To celebrate Earth Month, Duke University's Information Science + Studies program is hosting a special event at Bennett Place State Historic Site on Saturday, April 20, starting at 11:00 am in the Visitors' Center. Kalei Porter, MA student in Liberal Studies and Graduate Student Project Manager in the IS+S Research Lab, will explore the natural history of the site, asking what has changed and what hasn't over centuries of human use. Additionally, members of the IS+S Research Lab will share new insights into how the Bennett Family farmed the land and what this tells us about agriculture in the mid-19th century Piedmont. Afterward, at 1:00 pm, Kalei will lead a nature walk, inviting participants to act as citizen scientists by using the Budburst app to record plants found along the nature trail at Bennett Place.