2024 Feagin Leadership Forum: Compassion, Collaboration, and Compromise: Leadership in a Polarized World

Sponsor(s): School of Medicine (SOM)
Join us for a special Duke Centennial event, the 15th Annual Feagin Leadership Forum at the JB Duke Hotel on May 17-18! The theme for the Forum is Compassion, Collaboration, and Compromise: Leadership in a Polarized World. World class leaders from business, healthcare, the military and athletics will be sharing their leadership expertise and how they address the challenges of our complex world. We will also feature special welcomes from our Duke leaders, and the future leaders of healthcare, this year's Feagin Leadership Scholars, will share their work and leadership insights.
Friday, May 17th 12:30-5:30 PM
Saturday, May 18th 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Contact: Stacey Herrera