6th Annual DUSON Craft & Vendor Fair
Sponsor(s): School of Nursing (SON)
Shop locally for the holidays! Or, better yet....
Do you like to direct your creative energy into making wares that would be perfect holiday gifts for colleagues, friends, and family? Then read on!
DUSON's Staff and Workplace Advocacy Council (SAWAC) invites DUSON employees, students, and alumni to apply for participation in the 6th annual DUSON Craft & Vendor Fair. By sharing your extracurricular talents and enterprising spirit with the DUSON community, you will be supporting our students! All display table fees go to the DUSON Annual Fund for student scholarships. How great is that!
So, go ahead, complete an application at https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5nY4jPSpQJJHIua and submit it by October 23!
Contact: Staff and Workplace Advocacy Council