Human Rights in Practice: Human Rights and Biodiversity and Conservation
As part of the Human Right in Practice series join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program discussing efforts to mainstream a human rights-based approach in conservation action and global biodiversity efforts, including the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, which will be adopted in Montreal in December. Featuring Rochelle Diver, UN Environmental Treaties Coordinator, International Indian Treaty Council; and Kristen Walker Painemilla, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Center for Communities and Conservation at Conservation International; moderated by Monica Iyer, Clinical Fellow/ Lecturing Fellow, International Human Rights Clinic at Duke Law. Co-sponsored by the Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute, the Duke Law Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, the Environmental Law Society, the Human Rights Law Society, the International Law Society, and NALSA (Native American Law Students Association). For those unable to attend in person, livestream: Lunch available for attendees. Contact Balfour Smith (