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"The Spirit of Freedom"

Poster promoting “The Spirt of Freedom” Duke-Stanford Graduate Conference
Thursday, September 15, 2022
All Day
Nancy Bauer and Martin Hagglund
Duke-Stanford Graduate Conference in Philosophy & Literature

Thursday, September 15
2:30 Opening Remarks
2:45 Panel 1: Globalism and Technology
1. "'Captive Maternals' and Democracy Under the Shadow of Hegel: The Case of
Non-Citizens in the United States and India"
Nitin Luthra (Duke)

2 ."A Radically Hotter Future: Queer Freedoms and the Climate Apocalypse
Drew Kiser (UC Berkeley)

3. "Using Wittgenstein to Think about Freedom on the Internet"
Sandra Luksic (Stanford)

4:30-6:00 Keynote Speaker: Nancy Bauer, "Freedom & Feminist Philosophy"

6:15-8:15 Reception, outside of Smith Warehouse

Friday, September 16
8:30 Catered Breakfast
9:00 Panel 2: Perspectives on Race in Literature

1. "'A Thousand Freedoms': Jupiter Hammon and the Limits of Political
JP Sloan (Rutgers)

2. "The State v. Black Mater, or Celia's Confessions as the Will to Be Otherwise"
Jorden E. Sanders (Rutgers)

3. "The Neo-Indentured Servitude Narrative within a 'Free' Jamaica"
Isabel Jaramillo (Rutgers)

4. "Reclaiming the Homeland: Palestinian American Understandings of Home in
Dyala Kasim (Columbia)

9:00 Panel 3: Idealism and Karl Marx
1. "Freedom, Necessity, and Purposiveness: Marx and the Problem of Freely
Associated Production" - Ernest Pujol-León (Duke)
2. "Freedom, Labor, Time" - Jensen Suther (Yale)
3. "Toward a Political Theory of Exploitation and Freedom" - Kate Petroff (UChicago)
4. "Kant and Hegel on Fear and Freedom" - Lucas Johnston (UC Riverside)
11:00 Catered Lunch
11:45 Reading Seminar: Literature and Freedom, with Toril Moi
12:45 Panel 4: Autofiction
1. "Back to the Future: Jameson, Autofiction, and Professional Managerial Class" - Daniel Weaver (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
2. "Is the Reader Free?: The Existential Experience of Reading Autofiction"- Tiffany Frye (Duke)
3. "'Leave Them to Their Event Proper':Anecdote, Contingency, and Maggie
Nelson's The Argonauts" - Ryan Nhu (Northwestern)
2:00 Break
2:15-3:45 Keynote Speaker: Martin Hägglund, "The Material Conditions of Spiritual

Contact: James Draney