Simulations of gauge field theories with quantum tools
Quantum field theories (QFTs) are at the core of the modern descriptions of physical phenomena. Gauge field theories, for example, are the cornerstones of the Standard Model of particle physics describing interactions of elementary particles in nature at a range of energies. Quantum simulation and quantum computation have the promise of making classically formidable QFT problems, such as computing real-time phenomena in and out of equilibrium, tractable. Significant progress has been made in theoretical and algorithmic developments for, and hardware implementation of, a number of QFTs and lattice gauge theories in recent years. In this talk, I will introduce analog, digital, and hybrid analog-digital approaches to the simulation of QFTs along with a few illustrative examples considering trapped-ion systems.
Dr. Zohreh Davoudi received her Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics 2014 from the University of Washington in Seattle, and shortly thereafter joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Theoretical Physics as a post-doctoral research associate. She joined the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland as an Assistant Professor in 2017. She was also affiliated with the RIKEN research program until 2020. Dr. Davoudi studies strongly interacting systems, such as hadrons and nuclei, using analytical and computational methods including effective field theories, lattice quantum chromodynamics, quantum simulation, and quantum computing. Her work is recognized by the Kenneth Wilson Award in Excellence in Lattice Field Theory, Sloan Research Fellowship, and DOE's Early Career Award.
Co-hosted with IBM Quantum Hub at NC State University and Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School.