Governing Reproduction

Since the recent release of undercover videos, purportedly showing Planned Parenthood personnel engaged in illegal activity and selling fetal tissue for a profit, several states have taken action to withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood clinics and restrict the use of fetal tissue. Around the same time, in a world first, Chinese scientists have reported editing the genomes of human embryos. The published research results confirmed widespread rumors that such experiments had been conducted. And just a few months ago, the UK gave the green light to the first germline-gene modification technique called mitochondrial transfer. What role should the government play in the oversight of these controversial techniques and technologies? Do societal ethics and democratic deliberation inform that role? How is science used (or misused) in policymaking on controversial societal issues? Join Nita A. Farahany, PhD, JD, Director of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society, and Professor of Law & Philosophy, who will discuss the ethical and policy implications of these controversial advances.