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187: The Rise of the Latino Vote

poster for 187: Rise of the Latino Vote
Thursday, October 22, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Dir. Dignicraft, 2020, 90 min. Narrated by Danny Trejo.
Proposition 187 was a California ballot measure passed in 1994 that sought to deny public services to undocumented immigrants. While the initiative was meant to keep the "immigrant threat" at bay, it mobilized non-immigrants and immigrants in Latino communities as well as their allies across the state. Proposition 187 created new and enduring political faultlines across California and across the nation as well as molded the political careers of a new generation of leaders. Watch how the fight for immigrant rights in California influenced activist and artists nationwide. Witness the dawn of a new era in California politics and the rise of a movement that can change the United States. We have the pleasure of talking to directors Omar Foglio, José Luis Figueroa, and Paola Rodriguez from the Dignicraft film and art collective following the screening of the film.