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Found 301 events
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Unpaid Caregivers of Older Adults - Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Dr. Thaddeus Samulski was an international leader in hyperthermia. He was a tenured professor; served as chief physicist in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Duke University between 1992 and 2004; and established the first medical physics postdoc training program at Duke.  The Samulski Lectureship will begin at 4 p.m. with refreshments.  Hong Chen, PhD, will present "Emerging Opportunities in Non-Ionizing Radiation: Ultrasound for Noninvasive Brain Interventions."   Michelle Howard, PhD, will present "Overcoming Radiation Resistance in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma through Targeted Redox Dysregulation."

2024 Thaddeus Samulski Lectureship

Heme Conference_10.8.24

Division of Hematology Presents: "Case Presentation" Srikala Addepalli, MD; "Case Presentation" Matthew Pisarcik, MD

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds - "Mister Rogers’ Take On Pediatric Perioperative Disparities"

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Duke Neurology Grand Rounds

Critial Care Grand Rounds

Critical Care Grand Rounds - “Temperature Management in Cardiac Arrest”

Photo of Paulo

CCN Colloquium: "A Time for Moral Actions and Global Collaborative Research"

Seminar speaker, Arlene Blum, wearing a purple shirt and blazer

Reducing Chemical Harm: Organohalogens and the Class Concept

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Pathology Grand Rounds - Uterine Mesenchymal Tumors: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Supporting Clinicians -- Geriatrics and Palliative Care Joint Grand Rounds

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Duke Neurology Grand Rounds

A sea of white tulips in a garden in the foreground and a wooden pergola in the background, with a blue Duke Gardens logo at top.

Try This Not That: Turfgrass and Groundcovers

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens

ASSET Fall Activity w/Durham Nativity School

Sponsor(s): Department of Surgery
Center for Translational Pain Medicine

Duke Pain Research in Progress (RIP)

Critial Care Grand Rounds

Critical Care Grand Rounds - Cancelled

MSRBIII at Duke University

Duke CTPM Seminar Series - TBA

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Pathology Grand Rounds

Seminar speaker, Natalie Johnson

Air Pollution and Susceptible Populations

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Foundational Mentor Training Session 2

Population Health Virtual Information Session

Population Health Virtual Information Session

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Physical Activity in Older Adults - Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Duke Neurology Grand Rounds

Duke Palliative Care

Duke Palliative Care Grand Rounds - Social Work and Palliative Care

Critial Care Grand Rounds

Critical Care Grand Rounds - TBA

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Pathology Grand Rounds

event flier with headshots of doctors Hreha and Chen

Spatial Neglect Continuing Education Opportunity

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HIV and Aging: Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Duke Neurology Grand Rounds

Computational Health Seminar features Stacey Finley

Exploring the tumor-immune ecosystem using multi-scale computational modeling

Cofee cups

Computational Health After Seminar Coffee Hour

Duke Palliative Care

Duke Palliative Care Grand Rounds - Closed Conference DPAL M&M

Critial Care Grand Rounds

Critical Care Grand Rounds - TBA

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Pathology Grand Rounds

Center for Translational Pain Medicine

Duke Pain Journal Club

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DEI Rounds: Obesity - Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Duke Eye on Education

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Gen Dempsey

Veterans Day Visiting Professor

More Events (80 of 301)