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Found 6676 events
11/21/2023 X
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Hematology Case Conference:

Ph.D. Defense- Keeler, Aaron

Biochemical characterization of an Atypical Polyketide Synthase (PKS) from the apicomplexan Pasarite Toxoplama gondii

Sponsor(s): Chemistry
Organ Demonstration

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
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Thanksgiving Recess Begins

Sponsor(s): Registrar's Office
Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds - Canceled for Holiday

Duke University Chapel

Carillon Daily Recital

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Duke Chapel

Thanksgiving Day Holiday

Sponsor(s): Human Resources (HR)
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Critical Care Grand Rounds - Canceled for Holiday

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Pathology Grand Rounds

Youth Bible Study

Youth Bible Study

Cover of the Book, "Heaven and Earth" by Will Willimon

Heaven and Earth Advent Study: Chapter 1 "Meanwhile"

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Godly Play Advanced

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Catholic Mass – Goodson Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Catholic Center
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Duke Chapel Public Tour

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Choral Evensong Worship Service

Choral Evensong Worship Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
The Episcopal Center at Duke

Eucharist @ Episcopal Center

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Catholic Mass in Duke Chapel

The Episcopal Center at Duke

Compline @ Episcopal Center

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Classes Resume (8:30 AM)

Sponsor(s): Registrar's Office

Integrative Immunobiology Dissertation Defense: Europe B. Doan

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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CEE Seminar - Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing: Origins and Thoughts for the Future

Fellowships at 4:00 PM

Fellowships @ 4

Lance Okeke Grand Rounds November 27, 2023

ID Grand Rounds: "One Last Hurdle: Addressing the Southern HIV Epidemic towards an end to HIV in America."

Duke Chapel

Carillon Daily Recital

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Heme Conference_11.28.23

Hematology Case Conference: “TeleHelth The Past, The Present & The Future…of Medicine” Amit Goldberg, MD; “Just Say No! Corticosteroids and Sickle Cell Disease” John J. Strouse MD, PhD

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Leader as Coach (2 days)

TBS Alzheimer's Talk

Alzheimer's Association: Funding, Collaboration & Convening Opportunities

More Events (40 of 6676)