Feminism & Politics: A Durham Story

Jillian Johnson, Mayor Pro Tempore and At Large City Council Member in Durham. She graduated from Duke in 2003 with a BA in Public Policy and a minor in Women's Studies and was elected to City Council in 2015. She has been active in efforts to contain the proliferating gentrification in Durham and serves on the Durham Housing Authority committee, among many other committees. She is a founding member of Durham for All and a Board Member on Durham Solidarity Center, Outside in 180, and the Southern Vision Alliance. She is also the Liaison to the Durham Youth Commission, the Mayor's Council for Women, and the North Carolina Museum for Life & Science.
Gender Wednesday, Widening our sense of opportunities to make an impact on the world. This is an undergraduate speaker/luncheon series. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP at Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/DukeGSF/