Exhibition, 40 Years After: Posters from Soviet-Afghanistan War

This exhibit runs until March 29, 2019, and it is part of the Visualizing Afghanistan program that took place at Duke University on Feb 13-15, 2019.
Hours of the exhibit are from 9AM-5PM, Monday thru Friday. Closed on weekends.
Visualizing Afghanistan marks the fortieth anniversary of the Soviet invasion as well as the eighteenth year of the longest war ever waged by the United States. An exhibit of political posters from the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-89) reveals regional contestations among socialism, nationalism and Islamic insurgency at the end of the Cold War. The rise of the Mujahideen set the foundation for the establishment of Al-Qaeda and the subsequent US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. In conjunction with the exhibit, a series of talks and panels will examine the Soviet and US occupations and their lasting cultural and geopolitical legacies.
Visitor parking is available at several locations near the Franklin Center, particularly paid weekday parking in the Medical Center Parking Garage II on the same block (enter from Elba Street).
Organized by Duke Middle East Studies Center with support from the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund, Duke University for International and Global Studies, and AMES Presents.
For more information: griffin.orlando@duke.edu