Workshop on the China Question of Cultural and Media Studies

This Oct 4-5 workshop, hosted by Duke Program of Research on China (PRC), will bring together a group of international scholars from China and the U.S. to explore the issues of how contemporary cultural studies and media studies consider China as a theoretical and methodological question, or the lack of such consideration in those approaches derived largely from assumptions and experiences of western Europe and the U.S.
The workshop will continue the ongoing conversations concerning the issues of China in Critical Theory, particularly the genealogy of Critical Theory and Maoism within the global context of political, ideological, and intellectual currents and trends. See Oct. 4, 9:30-6:00 PM for additional details.
Co-sponsors: Office of the Dean of Trinity College, AMES Presents.
This event is a continuation of a 2-day workshop. Event location (Erwin Mill A103, 2024 W Main St, Durham, NC 27705). Workshop continues on Oct.5 at 9:00 AM. Contact: Professor Kang Liu ( Additional co-sponsors: Office of the Dean of Trinity College, AMES Presents.