Biopolitics, Portraiture, and the Poetics of Puta Life

This presentation considers El Registro de Mujeres Públicas, a photographic archive from 19th C. Mexico City to think about the biopolitical history of sexual labor and the intimate affects that escape the archive.
Juana María Rodríguez is Professor and Chair of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley and faculty in Gender and Women's Studies and the Performance Studies Graduate Group. She is the author of two books, Queer Latinidad: Identity Practices, Discursive Spaces (NYU Press, 2003) and Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings (NYU Press 2014) which won the Alan Bray Memorial Book Prize at the Modern Language Association and was a Lambda Literary Foundation Finalist for LGBT Studies. Most recently she served as co-editor for a special issue of TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly on "Trans Studies en las Americas." She is currently completing a new book project on visual culture and Latina sexual labor, entitled Puta Life: Seeing Latinas, Working Sex.