CANCELLED: Second Warren Memorial Lecture presents Andrew Sloin: "The Comintern, Antifascism, and the Global Jewish Question, 1917-1937"
The Second Warren Memorial lecture welcomes Andrew Sloin to discuss "The Comintern, Antifascism, and the Global Jewish Question, 1917-1937."
Andrew Sloin is an Associate Professor of History at Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY). His research focuses on economy, politics, and culture in modern Russian, Soviet, and Jewish history. His first book, The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia: Economy, Race, and Bolshevik Power (Indiana University Press, 2017) received the 2018 Dorothy Rosenberg Prize from the American Historical Association. His current book project, Troubled Time: Socialism and the Yiddish Historical Imagination, 1871-1948, examines the relationship between the writing of popular history in the transnational Yiddish public sphere and the development of socialism in the context of systemic global crisis. During 2019-2020, he is a member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.