[POSTPONED] Political Theology in Nigeria and Egypt - Islamist Politics and Its Future

This event has been postponed until Fall 2020.
This lecture will examine what the revolution for Sharia in Northern Nigeria and the fate of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt can teach us about the fate of Islamist politics in the Middle East and Africa.
Dr. Sarah Eltantawi is an intellectual historian of Contemporary Islam. She is Associate Professor of Comparative Religion and Islamic Studies at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA, and a Research Scholar at the Middle East Center of the University of Washington. Her work focuses on contemporary Islam and Islamic law, especially in the context of post-coloniality and authoritarianism. Her work so far has concentrated on Nigeria and Egypt. Dr. Eltantawi's book, Shari'ah on Trial: Northern Nigeria's Islamic Revolution (University of California Press, 2017), examines why Northern Nigerians took to the streets starting in 1999 to demand the re-implimentation of sharia law. Dr. Eltantawi is currently at work on projects that takes up the rise of the of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt from 1928 - the present, focusing on the question of the group's "political theology" and its place in traditions of political theory. Methodologically, this work will examine this mostly male history through the lens of women. Dr. Eltantawi is also at work on a book of essays that tackle problems ranging from the problem of Islamic reform to the spiritual offerings of Islam for American Muslims navigating the Trump administration.