Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope
Do you love your city? Are you looking for ways to connect your faith with the place you live? The Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope is an opportunity to connect Durham's story, your own story, and God's story. Through a weekend of visiting important places and hearing the stories of leaders who have shaped the city, participants reckon with the challenges Durham has faced and witness the hope in our community. There are also discussion gatherings that meet beforehand and afterwards to help us see all of life as a pilgrim journey. The next weekend immersion is the afternoon of October 20 at 3pm through October 22 at 4pm. This opportunity is sponsored by DurhamCares and the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation. Registration is required.
If you have questions, contact Reynolds Chapman at rchapman@durhamcares.org, or 919-638-6062.