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Practice & Presence: Why Theology Matters for Health Care

Practice and Presence: A Gathering for Christians in Health Care. Why Theology Matters for Health Care. Subtitle: Looking to Jesus to renew our vocations to healing. Fri, Oct 6 - Sat, Oct 7, 2023, Duke Divinity School. Registration Required. Duke Divinity School Theology Medicine and Culture Initiative Logo. Image of hands praying. Image of hand with IV and medical worker in glove.
Friday, October 06, 2023
All Day
John Swinton, Devan Stahl, C. Kavin Rowe, Wylin Wilson
Practice & Presence: A Gathering for Christians in Health Care

When Jesus healed, he reversed disorder and decay, liberated people from hostile powers, and restored them to relationship in community. Modern health care tends to focus only on the first of these, seeking to reverse disorder through technical fixes. How might those who inhabit modern health care look towards Jesus' pattern of healing, and to Christian theology more broadly, to enrich and renew their work?

Join us as we explore together why theology matters for health care, and together look to Jesus to renew our vocations to healing.