Raíces, Rutas y Ritmos: Listening, Embodying, and Amplifying Hispanic/Latino Culture Via Civic Engagement
For nearly half a century, Latino/a/x communities across North Carolina have played an important role in reshaping the local and regional cultural footprint. However, the creative contributions of Latino/a/x people are often overlooked in narratives of migration and labor in the United States. Raíces, Rutas, and Ritmos aim to show that in North Carolina, music is central to how these communities maintain relationships with their places of origin, navigate shifting social circumstances, and cultivate new ideas of home and belonging. The stories and voices present had enriched Duke Students, who were able to interview musicians/migrants and listen to their music, amplifying cultural traits and migration stories.
Please register using the event URL: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_42eqo9bkjPpYgoS