Discrimination and Harassment: What do I do when I am confronted with a problem in my unit that might be discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct?

The workshop series is open to the Duke community, in particular to staff interested in increasing skill and workplace culture in their departments.
The Office for Institutional Equity provides several resources related to compliance, including strategies to support alignment with the provisions of the Duke Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (the Policy). One resource is training and educational workshops that focus on the Policy, its procedures and its reporting obligations. In this workshop, participants will receive content, as well as opportunities to engage in an interactive manner that reinforces the learning content. Participants will receive relevant information about the Policy's scope, what are various types of prohibited conduct, how to recognize conduct that might implicate the Policy, prohibited retaliation, reporting obligations and how to encourage a work and/or learning environment that aligns with the Policy. The workshop will also include an overview of the various complaint handling procedures.
Participants will:
•Engage in a variety of interactive exercises that involve real life scenarios
•Engage in opportunities for real time responses to Policy-related situations and/or video content
•They will receive material designed to equip them with the knowledge to utilize resources (such as OIE)
•And they will learn techniques to initially respond to reported concerns or conduct in an appropriate manner
Designed for staff, student, and faculty learners.