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Found 182 events
VIRTUAL X 02/13/2024 X
Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Intracerebral Hemorrhage: from nihilism to acute Code ICH"

Duke Immerse logo in upper left corner, with "Information Session #2 title in Duke Blue. "Civil Discourse and Democracy" in the center with "Join via Zoom"

Information Session #2: Duke Immerse Civil Discourse and Democracy

Event Image

On The Bias In Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation

AiiCE logo

3C Fellows Spotlight: Experiences and Outcomes

Data Integration Working Group logo

Pepper Center Data Integration Working Group (DIWG)

Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Clinical and Systems Management of Deceased Potential Organ Donors"

ADRD IDEAS Forum flyer

Role of Inflammation and Oxidation on Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarker Development

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds - The art of dynamical resilience indicators

Duke I&E Graduate & Professional Certificate Info Session. Wednesday, February 28 from 5pm to 6pm EST Virtual

Duke I&E Graduate & Professional Certificate Info Session

CCGR Image

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Critical Care Billing - the What, Why, and How for Fellows and Junior Faculty"

Gender Equity in Research Flyer

Gender Equity in Research

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Seminar speaker, Dr. Elisabeth Bik

Errors and Misconduct in Biomedical Research

Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - Cancelled

Event Image

Robust Teleportation of a Topological Surface Code Under Coherent Error

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Data Integration Working Group logo

Pepper Center Data Integration Working Group (DIWG)

Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Grief 101 for the ICU"

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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CryoTEM History and Technology

AiiCE logo

What’s DEI-A Got To Do With ABET?

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CryoTEM Sample Preparation


Bio-electronic Signals Predicting Vulnerability in Older Surgery Patients

Informational Session: In-person executive programs. March 21, 9:30AM US Easter Time Zone

Info Session: In-Person Executive Programs

Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "PICS intervention update and recent trials from Duke"

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Workshop: CryoTEM Data Processing with CryoSPARC

Event Image

Quantum Error Correction and Detection at Quantinuum

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Pedagogies of Care Lunch and Learn on Service Learning

Service Learning

Data Integration Working Group logo

Pepper Center Data Integration Working Group (DIWG)

Duke University Medical Center

Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Implementation of Nonpharmacologic Treatments" (Postponed)

More Events (40 of 182)