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Found 13174 events
11/28/2022 X
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8:30 AM. Classes Resume

Sponsor(s): Registrar's Office
Ph.D. Defense - Zhang, Pan

Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning for Small Molecules and Proteins

Sponsor(s): Chemistry
Participants standing in forward lunges, arm stretched up towards the ceiling

Restorative Yoga in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
three scenarios of educators teaching health professions students

Teaching Showcase

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Catholic daily Mass

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Research Advances in Delirium

Smith Warehouse with Duke OUSF NCS banner

Fellowships at 4:00

English conversation club

English Conversation Club

Duke in Bologna

Duke in Bologna - Info Session

Spanish converation Club

Spanish Conversation Club

Doing Good Employee Giving Campaign

Doing Good Employee Giving Campaign - Giving Tuesday

Professor Melissa Zastrow

Chemistry Seminar Presented by Prof. Melissa Zastrow: "Illuminating metal ions in the gut microbiota"

Sponsor(s): Chemistry
Person sitting with their hand resting on their chin looking at another person across from them

Global Conversations in the Student Wellness Center

Writing in the Disciplines

Rethinking the Library Research Paper

Aging Center Postdoc Seminar

Aging Center Postdoctoral Seminar

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Nucleon electromagnetic form factors at large momentum from Lattice QCD

Sponsor(s): Physics
Aging in Context logo

Aging in Context: New Directions in Social Gerontological Research

Students and instructor holding coloring pencils and drawing

Meditative Art in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
Book Launch Promo Graphic

A Dream Defaulted Book Launch

Hands holding knitting needles and yarn making a stitch

Knitting in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
Two participants using their paint brush against a white canvas

Paint Night in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness

Dara Horn

Duke Chorale Christmas Concert

Duke Chorale Christmas Concert

Sponsor(s): Music
Duke Dermatology Grand Rounds

Streicher Awards + Challenging Cases

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Smart Fitness Product Design Trade Show

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Catholic daily Mass

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PE/PI Workshop: Pablo Beramendi (Duke)

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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OptiSigns - The Next Generation of Digital Signs

nine covered human forms with red sheets in a neutral white and gray back ground

Feminist Theory and Imperialism Conference

Welcome Ad

Pratt DEIC Welcome Wednesday

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SOM Academic New Faculty Orientation: Working with Trainees

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: Predictive modeling with multi-modal health data

Think Outside the Box

Presence and Energy II

Person pouring tea from a tea pitcher with other tea items surrounding them.

Tea Gather in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
Participants sitting in chairs with drums in between their legs, using their palms to make sound on the drum.

Drumming in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
Person holding scissors to cut pink ribbon. Another person wrapping small white box with ribbon, blue straw paper in background.

Crafting in the Student Wellness Center

Sponsor(s): Duke Student Wellness
Duke Mens Basketball players

Men's Basketball vs Ohio State

Sponsor(s): Athletics
poster art for Broadway production of "Rent" by Jonathan Larson - four letter stencils spell out "Rent" in street graffiti style

Auditions: "Rent" by Jonathan Larson- Angel and Collins Cover/Standby (Taped Submissions)

Sponsor(s): Theater Studies

Advancement and Promotion (Non-Tenure Track)

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Leader as Coach

Coffee & Crypto

Duke Coffee & Crypto - CANCELED

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Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club/Seminar

More Events (60 of 13174)