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Found 11107 events
04/01/2023 X
Swallowtail butterfly on yellow flower

Getting to Know Your Bio-Region: Plant Communities of the NC Piedmont

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Annex City Limits

Annex City Limits (Arts Annex Open House)

Sponsor(s): duARTS
Engineering Master's Badminton Bash

Engineering Master's Badminton Bash

Youth Bible Study

Youth Bible Study

Duke Chapel Sunday Morning Worship

University Worship: Palm Sunday

Public tour of Duke Chapel

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel

Paintchella (Painting by the Pond)

Sponsor(s): duARTS and Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Text saying: Concert for a Field of Dreams presented by the Durham Medical Orchestra, images of a baseball glove and musical notes

Benefit Concert for a Field of Dreams

Choral Evensong

Concert: The Legacy of Love

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
ARC Study Café Info

ARC Study Café

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Duke Lutherans

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
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Wesley Fellowship

Womens Golf Schedule

Women's Golf at Wolfpack Match Play

Sponsor(s): Athletics
Kara McCormack

Exposomic Modeling Approaches for Social and Environmental Determinants of Health

CSPD logo: two right-facing arrows, one navy and one teal

Career Coach Online Office Hours for Engineering Master's Students

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Works in Progress Studio

description of event

Oraliteragraphic and Mirror Visions in Contemporary Indigenous Literature and Media in Abya Ayala

Data Provenance and its Applications - Duke CS Distinguished Lecture Apr 3 with Margo Seltzer - Univ of British Columbia Computer Systems Canada 150 Research Chair and CS Cheriton Family Chair

Data Provenance and its Applications

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Holy Week Noon Service

Holy Week Noon Service: Holy Monday

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
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Novel Justice: Mass Incarceration Nation with Jeffrey Bellin

Sponsor(s): Law School
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The Profile and Impact of President Biden's Judicial Nominees

Sponsor(s): Law School
Engineering Master's Petting Zoo

Engineering Master's petting zoo

popcorn in the Quad at 2pm on April 3

Pop to the Quad popcorn party

Smith Warehouse with OUSF NCS Banner

Fellowships @ 4:00PM

Infectious Disease Grand Rounds April 3

ID Grand Rounds: “Creating Early Opportunities for Clinical Research in ID Fellowship: What Can We Learn from the Mpox Outbreak?”

English conversation club

English Conversation Club

Spanish converation Club

Spanish Conversation Club

Duke GLobal Education Office of Undergraduates

Group Info Session

Justyn Kasierski

Fundamentals of Startup Law

Womens Golf Schedule

Women's Golf at Wolfpack Match Play

Sponsor(s): Athletics
Womens Golf Schedule

Women's Golf at Wolfpack Match Play

Sponsor(s): Athletics
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Hematology Case Conference: Eric Powers, MD "TBD"

MS Excel logo

Excel Level 1 Introduction

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Moving from Peer to Supervisor

CSPD logo: two right-facing arrows, one navy and one teal

Career Coach Online Office Hours for Engineering Master's Students

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Immunology Seminar Series: “New Approaches to Anti-Infectives for Gram-negative Bacteria”

Sponsor(s): Immunology
Prof. Rachel Martin

Chemistry Seminar Presented by Prof. Rachel Martin: "Seeing through cataract formation with NMR spectroscopy"

Sponsor(s): Chemistry
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AI Health Spark Seminar Series: Driving AI Innovation with Synthetic Data in Longitudinal Imaging, Continual Leaning, and Federated Learning for Healthcare

Holy Week Noon Service

Holy Week Noon Service: Holy Tuesday

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
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Communicating w/ Diplomacy & Tact I

Headshot of Paul Sternberg

CANCELED! Towards Mechanism at Genome Scale

Graphics of silhouettes with outline of brain in each head

Neurodiversity in Business and Higher Education

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SAP Sponsored Projects Reporting: Line Item Reports

Writing in the Disciplines Thompson Writing Program

Working with Sources

A field of kale with a tobacco barn in the background

Building Soils from Clay: How to Help Life Grow

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Headshot of Melanie Walsh

The Social Media Lives of Texts: Reception in the Age of Internet

Sponsor(s): English
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Nuclear Reactions and QCD Spectroscopy

Sponsor(s): Physics
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You have a PhD. Now what?

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ABSN Admissions Open House

Event title, location, date, time and speaker's image and bio

Muslims and the Minority Question: A Global History, 1856-1947



Sponsor(s): Duke Arts and DukeCreate
Duke Global Education Office for Undergraduates

Drop-in Advising

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Latter-day Saint Student Association

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
More Events (80 of 11107)