Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains

Verité's presentation will offer evidence and examples of the phenomena of forced labor, human trafficking and modern slavery in global supply chain production. Erin Klett will share learnings from Verité's work to document and combat these labor abuses in a variety of products, commodities and locations. Sharing findings from research and policy advocacy, discussion will also include examples of concrete steps taken by some companies to remedy and prevent these forms of exploitation and what more needs to be done.
Erin Klett is Senior Director, Research & Policy at Verité, a global NGO with a mission to ensure decent, safe and fair working conditions for workers worldwide. Erin oversees the design and implementation of research, tools, capacity building and stakeholder-engagement programs for governments, companies, international organizations and civil society groups across a variety of sectors and regions. Her current focus is on programs to stem the human trafficking and forced labor of migrant workers in global supply chains. She serves as a Verité representative to ATEST - the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking, and is a member of an expert working group established by the International Conference of Labor Statisticians, to develop recommendations for the harmonization of concepts and data collection methodologies for forced labor research.