Patman Political Engagement Project Information Session

The Hart Leadership Program challenges students to practice the art of leadership in public life. Applications are now open for several experiential learning programs that aim to shape Duke undergraduates for reflective, ethical leadership. Our core programs involve training both inside and outside the classroom through experiential education, pedagogical preparation, reflective practice, a strong community of peers, and an aspiration to public purpose.
The Patman Political Engagement Project is a Fellowship opportunity open to third-year students of any major who are interested in political leadership, broadly defined. Patman Fellows take a spring semester gateway course (PubPol 564: Democracy Lab), receive personalized one-on-one mentoring, and are awarded funding to support either senior thesis research or a politically engaged internship. Applications are now open and an information session for Patman will be held on Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30 PM in Sanford 223.